"tiny": { "cpu": 2, "memory": 10240, "host-count": 10, "vm-count": 100, "disk-swap": "25GB", "disk-core": "25GB", "disk-log": "10GB", "disk-db": "10GB", "disk-dblog": "15GB", "disk-seat": "10GB", "disk-netdump": "1GB", "disk-autodeploy": "10GB", "disk-imagebuilder": "10GB", "disk-updatemgr": "100GB", "required-disk-space": "250GB", "label": "Tiny vCenter Server with Embedded PSC", "description": "This will deploy a Tiny VM configured with 2 vCPUs and 10 GB of memory and requires 250 GB of disk space. This option contains vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller for managing up to 10 hosts and 100 VMs." },